Gravity waves faster than light
Gravity waves faster than light

gravity waves faster than light

gravity waves faster than light

General relativity has a different interpretation and a much wider theory on these objects, which are seen as black holes in that context. He also hypothesized that the star would be dark. In 1784, Michell first calculated what radius would give an escape velocity equal to the speed of light, see. In addition, it can be derived from Einstein’s theory of general relativity in combination with the Schwarzschild metric because the escape velocity there supposedly is the same. The formula can also be found from Newton’s gravity theory by setting the radius equal to the point where Newton’s escape velocity is the speed of light 1. The speed of light is an input factor in several gravity formulas, such as the calculation for the Schwarzschild radiusġWe will claim that the Newton method, as typically used, is not that sound because it involves a kinetic energy formula of the form Extracting the Speed of Gravity (Light)―The Simple Way This will be discussed briefly in Section 6 of this paper.Ģ. Alternatively, they could perhaps be the same, if electromagnetism and gravity at a deeper level are connected, as they could be in a yet-to-be discovered unified theory. It can be questioned if we are finding the speed of light or the speed of gravity in our method. Our theory also supports the concept that gravity is moving at the speed of light, and the experiments suggested will likely give a very narrow confidence interval for the speed of gravity. The approach explained is much simpler conceptually and experimentally than gravity wave experiments.

Gravity waves faster than light series#

This paper will show how we can extract the speed of gravity (light) from a series of simple gravity observations. These experiments are based on very complex set-ups and also, we would say, a complex set of assumptions. Clearly, these measurements give a very wide confidence interval for the speed of gravity, something to which we return later in this paper. In more recent times, advanced experimental studies in relation to gravity waves claim to support the idea that the speed of gravity is in the ball park of the speed of light in a vacuum. Was between 0.8 and 1.2 times the speed of light in vacuum. For example,, based on information from a rather complex set-up including quasar observations, concluded that the speed of gravity There have been several indirect detections of the speed of gravity in the past. To measure the speed of gravity is therefore of great importance to find out which theories can be ruled out and which ones are worth exploring further. Still, there exist a series of alternative gravity theories assuming that the speed of gravity is much greater than the speed of light, see, for example, for such models and discussion on them.

gravity waves faster than light

The speed of gravity in Einstein’s general relativity theory is assumed to be the same as the speed of light. Poincaré argued in 1904 that the speed of gravity could not be larger than the speed of light in vacuum. In 1890, Maurice Lévy suggested that the speed of gravity is equal to the speed of light.

Gravity waves faster than light