Seeing that Yoink is so capable, Nate asks Yoink to help his dad, who has been trying to convince Nate's mother to let him purchase a motorcycle. Yoink demonstrates his ability on celebrities, giving Jibanyan ownership of Next HarMEOWny as a personal troop of admirers, having Nate's parents invite Nate's favorite television characters for dinner, and even transfers Jibanyan's popularity to Whisper. Nate identifies Yoink, who shows his ability by forcing Whisper and Jibanyan to lend him their Yo-Kai Pad and chocolate bar, claiming that his powers are unstoppable. Yoink appears in Yo-kai Yoink, having Inspirited Bear into borrowing stuff from his friends and then refusing to return them, claiming that he's forgotten.

Yoink can be found in the Infinite Tunnel. Yoink also possesses the ability to transfer ownership of even otherwise outrageous and intangible things, such as celebrities and popularity. Yoink's Inspiriting can also compel people to lend things to others, and force people to express their deepest desires for property and possessions. "No take backs!" is his personal catchphrase and philosophy.Īnyone Inspirited by Yoink becomes compelled to borrow things from others, then refuse to return them to the rightful owners. Yoink is proud of his abilities, as he can convince anyone to transfer ownership of property to others permanently.

He wears a blue kimono with a dull brown sash, sandals, and a green furoshiki with white swirls on his face as a mask. Yoink has a huge head, pale turquoise tongue, and long arms. Yo-kai Watch Busters 2: Befriending Yo-kai.Yo-kai Watch: Wibble Wobble: Playable Yo-kai.Yo-kai Watch Blasters: Befriending Yo-kai.